5 Things You Can Do Before Hiring
Keith Pearson 3009

5 Things You Can Do Before Hiring

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The need for more workers in the rental industry has been top of mind for many equipment and event rental businesses. But are you really ready to hire? Before diving into the recruitment process, consider checking these 5 things off of your list. 


Create a wish list of the perfect candidate and outline what kind of person you need for the job and what they’ll be doing daily. What kind of skillset will they need? What industry experience do they have and how many years? What specific qualities or characteristics are you are looking for? How do they fit within your organization's culture? While you may not find all the qualities or skills on your list, answering these questions will help you get closer to finding the best person for the job. 


By writing a compelling job description, you can reveal more about your brand's culture, voice, and personality. Try keeping your job description concise when listing responsibilities and qualifications while also summarizing the daily tasks and job requirements for the position. You may also want to include more information on benefits and employee perks too!


Not sure where your budget stands when hiring employees? Make sure to calculate the cost of your employees, including unemployment tax insurance in your state to make sure you've budgeted enough to hire employees at different salary ranges. Don’t forget the other side of the ledger as well. Consider how much revenue they will bring in and if they represent savings from paying part-time to help you determine how much you can pay and the level of experience you can afford.


Think to yourself: Would your current employees recommend working for you? Is your team lacking motivation or experiencing burn-out? If so, your candidate will notice and sniff it out quickly. Make sure you’re always investing in your internal team before hiring more people. Spend quality time with your employees, listen to their feedback, and identify any internal issues that may be disrupting the office harmony. This helps assure a healthy work environment/culture and will foster the relationship between existing employees and new hires.       


Always be prepared with a plan for onboarding and training before you begin the hiring process. When setting up training, it's important to have a training team dedicated to brainstorming and developing “thinking sessions” to pull together a list of what training to provide and who can help. Your employees are your best resource when developing new hires as they have a wealth of knowledge in the organization and industry.   

With these helpful tips, you'll be on your way to finding the right candidate for your equipment rental or event rental business.

Looking for more workforce resources? Check out the new ARA Rental Works website to post your current job openings on a job board designed to connect candidates with thousands of rental career opportunities across North America and around the globe. As a bonus, ARA members can also post up to 5 job postings for free. Get started today! 

Keith Pearson

Keith Pearson

Keith Pearson

Keith Pearson
Other posts by Keith Pearson

Keith Pearson is a Director, Rental Industry Workforce Development at American Rental Association. His expertise in the areas of recruitment, employee retention, training, leadership and member development, and strategic planning has contributed to workforce development in the rental industry. In his spare time, he enjoys riding Harley motorcycles and is a woodworking extraordinaire.

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