A program focused on health and safety while operating in a new business environment.
Turning rental staff into rental professionals.
ARA Insurance is the leading insurer of American Rental Association members. Because rental is our only business, we have a stake in your success.
ARA offers many opportunities to network and learn from your peers
ARA supports the equipment and event rental community through initiatives that serve the industry.
With ARA Rentalytics, ARA members can access macroeconomic data and information about what's happening with revenue and drivers of rental revenue.
Each issue is packed with information, including risk management advice, store profiles, business management stories, products and much more.
Spearheaded by CEO, Tony Conant, the executive office administers and manages the association, its subsidiaries and related entities. This department works with the Board of Directors and Executive Committee in order to implement strategic and operational planning processes. They provide leadership in the continuous evaluation of short and long-term strategic membership objectives and evaluates new programs and services. They also develop programs and services that expand and strengthen membership value and boosts visibility of member benefits for ARA's Associate and General Members.
This department administers and manages the federal and state Government Affairs programs and ARAPAC, ARA’s political action committee. ARA’s Chief Economist directs ARA’s economic research program and is the primary ARA spokesperson in Washington, DC. They also advance the association’s policy objectives in the legislative and regulatory arenas through strategic leadership and identification of legislative and regulatory opportunities.
This department provides exceptional service to existing members and builds relationships with prospective members, both general and associate. They also support ARA’s state and local chapter programming and assist in attracting volunteer leaders. Additionally, they oversee the logistics for all the ARA-sponsored events and meetings, including The ARA Show.
This department performs accounting functions for ARA, the ARA Foundation and ARAPAC and is responsible for state association financial statement development and coordination. Additionally, they manage ARA’s information technology services, including planning, implementation and maintenance of all IT services. ARA education services are housed in this department as well. They lead the education product and programs including business management risk management resources and oversee the training departments, risk management, and rental business programs.
The marketing department is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy designed to achieve organizational goals. They also manage marketing efforts for the ARA Show, ARA Insurance, as well as all business departments within the association. This department is responsible for social media marketing and website development.
This department produces Rental Management magazine and supplements. They research, write and edit articles about government affairs, trends, business practices, store profiles, and more for the magazine, supplements and Rental Pulse. This department oversees advertising sales for RM Group as well.