What’s your name, company name, job title, and segment your business serves?
My name is Brady Hanna and I’m with integraSoft. We serve anyone who rents something!
How long have you or your company been involved with ARA and the YPN?
Our company has been involved with ARA for the last five years, but this is my first year in the YPN!
What are you most looking forward to about being involved in the group?
I am new to the ARA YPN, but I was able to attend the networking event at Resort World in Las Vegas. Over the past five years working in rental software sales, I have not come across too many young people. It was VERY refreshing to see all the young professionals at the ARA event and to learn that so many of these family-run operations have a young person ready to take over. Knowing that phrases like “The Cloud, Mobile Applications, and eCommerce” are not bad words to the YPN is reassuring as well. I can’t wait to meet more young professionals over the coming years.
How would you encourage your fellow YP member to make the most of their membership?
I am very green to the YPN so all I could add is to try and make it to the ARA show in 2023 and attend the young professional event. It was awesome to have a venue for the younger generation of professionals in the rental industry and to give us all a place to connect and mingle.
The ARA Show just happened – what was your favorite event or moment from the experience?
Since I am a vendor, my answer may be different than most but I love getting to see our current customers. With customers all over the country, it is tough to see many of them during the year and the show is the best place where we get to do that.