Hello, Region Two members.
I will be the first to admit it. My company is better off because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Before COVID, we were operating at full capacity with a large staff — but inefficiently. We believed that we had to take on as much work as possible, even if that meant more overtime than our staff wanted. COVID forced us to become lean and look at the business differently. Some staff positions were reduced and some eliminated. More importantly, we looked at every cost and found ways to survive with less. As business floods in, we, like many businesses, find that there is more demand than supply. This has allowed us to concentrate on higher margin jobs and walk away from others. As business rebounds, we have been able to increase our output and our profit while giving our employees a higher quality of life with better pay and a more normal work week.
Speaking of employees, a common refrain across the industry is that finding people to work is harder than ever before. To assist with this, the American Rental Association (ARA) has created a new job board where you can post open positions. The first five job postings on the ARA Job Board are free to members who use the promo code ARA-5Free. This is a great way to advertise your open positions to job seekers.
Registration is now open for The ARA Show™, which returns to Las Vegas Oct. 17-20. I can’t wait to see old friends and exchange stories of the last 19 months since the last show in Orlando. It is going to be an exciting time at the new Resorts World headquarters hotel. Please book your rooms before they sell out.
I want to offer special thanks to two great guys — Jeff Sleight (former ARA of Maryland president) and Tom Morley (former ARA of Virginia president). Each retired from board service at the end of June after guiding their chapters through the last 12 months. They will be missed, but each one has left a strong board in place for the future. Well done, gentlemen. I wish you both fair winds and following seas.
Michael Fitzwater, ARA Region Two director
Special Events Entertainment
Portsmouth, Va.