ARA Rentalytics™


Rental-specific economic research

Today’s global marketplace affects the rental industry in specific ways. ARA provides you the leading macroeconomic data, forecasting tools, and more to ensure you can stay competitive through ARA Rentalytics.

This annual paid subscription service offers rental store owners, managers, manufacturers, and suppliers up-to-date economic data specific to the rental industry. It even includes information on what’s happening with revenue and drivers of rental revenue from a national to metropolitan area.

What you can learn

Revenue Forecasting
Get quarterly economic updates to understand your market share.
Market Trends
We can provide data and analysis on how various factors impact our industry.
Rental Penetration
Determine how much potential market and demand exists for you.



Forecast for your future with Rentalytics

Learn more about revenue and market trends to improve your operations and bottom line.

Subscribe Today 



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